JAKARTA - The Surakarta City Government uses Ndalem Priyosuhartan in Laweyan District for a centralized isolation location for asymptomatic COVID-19 patients.

"The isoter location has been prepared, in Ndalem Priyosuhartan," said Head of the Surakarta City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Nico Agus Putranto in Solo, Thursday, February 10, quoted from Antara.

He said so far only one such location had been prepared by the local government. According to him, several facilities and infrastructure available at the centralized isolation location include beds, toilets, WiFi and television.

So far, he said, there have been eleven asymptomatic COVID-19 patients who have entered Ndalem Priyosuhartan.

"It has been used, there are adults and children," he said.

He said the food supply for COVID-19 patients in the centralized isolation location was provided by the Surakarta City Social Service.

According to him, COVID-19 sufferers were taken to centralized isolation to minimize transmission in the community.

"Those whose category does not meet the requirements (self-isolation) can then go into centralized isolation, rather than endangering others," he said.

He said the completeness of medical equipment as well as health workers in centralized isolation locations had also been provided by the Surakarta City Health Office (DKK).

"So directly from the puskesmas we can get information, if there is a puskesmas dispatch that takes us to centralized isolation," he said.

Regarding the centralized location, Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said he would continue to provide a place for centralized isolation.

"Later we will prepare it, yesterday at Laweyan (Ndalem Priyosuhartan) we will prepare it. Later we will prepare several more places, including Graha Wisata," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor of Surakarta Teguh Prakosa pushed for centralized isolation to be carried out at the Haji Donohudan Dormitory.

"Because it is more effective there and there is an open space too, so it can be used for sunbathing. If the houses are only small, the capacity is also limited," he said.

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