JAKARTA - Hadi Pranoto, a suspect in the case of allegedly spreading fake news about the herbal medicine for COVID-19, finally underwent an examination at Polda Metro Jaya after Hadi Pranoto failed to fulfill the two previous summons.

"Krimsus is investigating his cellphone," said Head of Public Relations at Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, Tuesday, September 8.

Hadi's examination began at around 13.45 WIB. The investigators will dig up information about his statement regarding herbal medicine to cure COVID-19.

Hadi Pranoto had failed to respond to the Polda's summons before. The General Chairperson of Cyber ​​Indonesia, Muannas Alaidid, reported Hadi Pranoto. He was considered to be spreading false news about the COVID-19 antibody herbal medicine.

In this case, the police will apply Article 28 in conjunction with Article 45A of the Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) Law. This case began when Hadi Pranoto and Anji discussed the COVID-19 issue and uploaded it to YouTube. In the conversation, Hadi said that he had found a COVID-19 antibody herbal medicine.

Previously, Anji was also questioned by Polda Metro Jaya on August 10. Anji admitted that he had been questioned about his YouTube channel and the chronology of events.

"From 45 clear questions, starting with identity, then about my account or YouTube channel, Dunia Manji. Then about the chronology of events at that time (interview). The point is the subject matter of the case," Anji told reporters at Polda Metro Jaya, Monday, 10 August.

Anji has also apologized for causing a commotion because of an interview with Hadi Pranoto. In his video, Anji admitted that he was ready to help educate about COVID-19.

"In the future, I am open to collaborating with the IDI (Indonesian Doctors' Association). To explain how a finding can be scientifically declared a drug. Then, I will continue to make concrete contributions to the parties affected by the pandemic, in accordance with the things I can do in this

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