JAKARTA - The Head of the Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) Police Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi hopes that his subordinates will become creative individuals. He conveyed this to the participants of specialization development education (Dikbangpes).

In addition, Firman also warned that the Polantas personnel would not tarnish the good name of the institution. Moreover, by carrying out irresponsible transactions while on duty.

"We have to be creative, the progress that has been achieved by colleagues in the field can suddenly be tarnished because we are transactional," said Firman at the Police Traffic Center, Serpong, South Tangerang, Banten, Wednesday, February 9.

"Don't forget what individual colleagues are doing, it can color all of us who use this white belt," continued Firman.

Furthermore, Firman also hopes that the personnel can work well as a group. Because the institution is one unit.

Firman advised that the values of integrity in the group can be maintained. He also conveyed a moral message to the Dikbangpes participants.

"So, our leaders used to remind us 'you can be smart but don't be patronizing, you can be fast but don't get ahead'. Those are moral messages,” said Firman.

The event was also attended by the Head of the Traffic Education Center, Kombes Djoni Hendra, the Dirgakkum of the National Police Korlantas, Brigadier General Aan Suhanan, the Head of the National Police Korlantas, Pol Kombes Eddy Djunaedi to the Dirkamsel of the National Police Korlantas, Brigadier General Chryshnanda Dwilaksana. The Dikbangpes was attended by 250 participants.

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