SOUTH SUMATERA - The South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Sumsel) arrested a fugitive in a criminal act of corruption in the management of the APBD at the Secretariat of the DPRD of Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir (PALI) in 2017 which cost the state finances more than Rp. 6 billion.

The fugitive, on behalf of Arif Firdaus (47), was arrested with the AGO's Sowing Team and the Attorney General's AMC in Purwakarta Regency, West Java, Tuesday, February 8, at around 22.30 WIB.

Head of the Legal Information Section of the South Sumatra Prosecutor's Office, Mohd Radyan, said the arrests were made based on a warrant from the South Sumatran Attorney General's Office Number R-207/L.6/Dti/01/2021 and Palembang District Court Decision Number 7/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/ PN Plg.

"Through this order, it is known that Arif Firdaus is a convict who is a fugitive (DPO)," he said in Palembang, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 9.

The arrest and determination of the status as a fugitive occurred when the person concerned was summoned as a convict by the Executing Prosecutor of the South Sumatra High Court. However, the convict did not come to fulfill the summons that had been properly conveyed.

Head of the Intelligence Section of the Pali District Attorney's Office Zulkifli added that the construction of the case against the convict Arif Firdaus began when he served as Secretary of the PALI Regency DPRD in 2017.

During that period, Arif Firdaus, he said, with his position committed an unlawful act, namely making double and fictitious financial reports which were allegedly used for his personal interests from the total budget of more than Rp. 6 billion.

Arif Firdaus took this action in collaboration with the Expenditure Treasurer of the PALI Regency DPRD at that time named Mujarab. Then both of them underwent trial at the Palembang District Court in 2021, and were found guilty of committing an unlawful act by the panel of judges for corruption.

Each of Mujarab was convicted and sentenced to nine years in prison, and Arif Firdaus was sentenced to 15 years in prison and with a replacement money of IDR 6 billion.

"Efficacious since the verdict has been serving his sentence. Meanwhile, Arif is still at large until the verdict is read out. Because he applied in absentia to Arif because since the investigation he has run away," said Zulkifli.

Until finally, he said again, thanks to coordination with the South Sumatra Attorney's Office and the Attorney General's Office, the convict Arif was arrested.

The convict Arif was found in a boarding school in Babakan Pameungpeuk Village, Wanasari Village, Purwakarta Regency, West Java, and was arrested on Tuesday, February 8 at around 22.30 WIB.

Then the person concerned was brought back to the South Sumatra High Court. After that, his party will send the convict Arif to the Pakjo Palembang Correctional Institution (Lapas).

"Currently, the convict is being prepared at the South Sumatra High Court and then handed over to the Pakjo Palembang Prison to carry out his sentence," he said.

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