JAKARTA - The Honorary Board of the DKI DPRD has summoned the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, to be questioned regarding reports from a number of DPRD members. Prasetyo was reported as having held a plenary meeting to determine the interpellation of Formula E.

"The plan is tomorrow (Wednesday, February 9). Today is the discussion on the preparation for summoning (Prasetyo)," said Honorary Member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, August Hamonangan, on Tuesday, February 8.

The agenda for this examination became a bright spot for the reports of the four deputy chairmen of the DPRD and seven factions of the DKI DPRD which had previously been submitted four months ago.

This is how it started. On Thursday, August 26, 2021, 33 DPRD members from the PDIP and PSI factions submitted an interpellation right proposal to the Chair of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi.

The right of interpellation is proposed to the leadership of the DPRD. The form of the right of interpellation this time was a plenary meeting with the agenda of asking the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to explain more deeply regarding the implementation of Formula E.

Prasetyo, who is also the Chairman of the Jakarta DPRD Deliberative Body (Bamus) held a meeting to decide on the plenary schedule for determining the interpellation. The plenary session was decided to be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2021.

However, the seven DPRD factions did not accept the scheduling of the plenary meeting to determine the interpellation. The seven factions are the Gerindra Party, PKS, PAN, Golkar, Nasdem, Democrats, and PKB-PPP.

On Monday, September 27, 2021, Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD from the Gerindra faction, Mohamad Taufik, emphasized that the seven factions would not attend the plenary meeting because the agenda was considered illegal.

Taufik said that the Bamus meeting did not initially include a discussion on the plenary schedule for the Formula E interpellation. However, at the Bamus meeting, Prasetyo suddenly proposed to Bamus members to add scheduling to the interpellation plenary agenda.

Thus, Taufik considers Prasetyo to have violated the Rules of Procedure of the DKI DPRD because he suddenly slipped the discussion of the interpellation plenary meeting schedule.

"This is called a violation of the rules of conduct itself. It was time for the rules to be ratified and Pras was knocking his hammer. He was the one who broke it," said Taufik.

Finally, the interpellation plenary meeting was held on Tuesday, September 28, 2021. However, the number of DKI DPRD members who were present at the plenary meeting did not meet the quorum to decide that the interpellation could be held by summoning Anies.

This is because the seven DPRD factions did not attend the plenary session. Finally, the interview had to be postponed indefinitely.

On the same day, seven DPRD factions officially reported Prasetyo to the Honorary Board of the DKI DPRD. The chairman of the Golkar faction, Basri Baco, said that his party reported Prasetyo to the BK because it was suspected that he had not heeded the rules and regulations of the DPRD by holding a plenary meeting of the Interpellation of Formula E.

"We suspect that there was an administrative violation of correspondence related to the invitation to the Deliberative Body and the implementation of the plenary session that was held earlier," said Baco.

After knowing that he was reported, Prasetyo was not afraid. He admitted that he was ready to give clear explanations about his decision to hold a plenary meeting of Interpellation Formula E. Prasetyo believed that his actions had complied with the rules.

"On the basis of these provisions, I accommodate the proposal to schedule a plenary meeting to submit an explanation of the members of the proposing council verbally on the right to propose interpellation at the Deliberative Body meeting," Prasetyo said on Tuesday, October 19.

After hanging for four months, the Honorary Board of the DKI DPRD has finally scheduled an examination of Prasetyo today, Wednesday, February 9, 2022, at 10.00 WIB.

Prasetyo admitted that he would come for the examination. "I will not shy away. Moreover, trying to finish this report by having dinner at the dinner table," said Prasetyo on Tuesday, February 7.

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