JAKARTA - Ustaz Haikal Hassan Baras or who is often called Babe Haikal welcomed the proposal that encouraged the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa to facilitate a meeting between ulama and TNI officials.

"I agree with the suggestion of the Head of Rekat Indonesia, Mr. Eka Gumilar. God willing, if the ulama and umara (TNI officials) meet, the dialogue will be beneficial," he said in a written statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 8.

The impetus for the meeting between the TNI and the ulama was related to the polemic about the words of the Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) General Dudung Abdurachman about "Our God is not an Arab".

According to Babe Haikal, meetings of ulama and senior TNI officials should indeed be held frequently. This is important as part of providing an example to the community in maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation.

"The public will also be happy to see the TNI and the ulama are compact and solid," Babe said, quoted from Antara.

For Babe Haikal, the TNI and the ulama cannot be separated in maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation. Both parties must also continue to be encouraged to be more solid so that people feel safe and calm.

"Because the pillars of this nation's peace are in the ulama and umara," he said.

He explained that the Islam of Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah, Rahmatan lil Aalamiin, Hubbul Wathon Minal Iman must play a unifying role.

Previously, the Head of Rekat Indonesia Raya Eka Gumilar encouraged the TNI Commander to hold a meeting between ulama and TNI officials. This meeting was proposed by Eka to the TNI Commander following the polemic of the statement by the Chief of the TNI, Dudung Abdurachman.

"Because a strong defense of a country is the union of ulama and umara," said Eka.

Eka's statement was a response when asked about the Coalition of Ulama, Habaib, and anti-blasphemy lawyers who reported Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurahman to the Indonesian Army Military Police Center (Puspomad).

"It is better if all parties are facilitated, including General Dudung, to return to harmony. The pillars that support this country, yes, the TNI and the ulama," he said.

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