SURABAYA - The East Java Provincial Government is trying to encourage the acceleration of giving booster vaccines, especially for residents who are in the elderly category (elderly) in the region.

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said that giving booster vaccines is one of the efforts to minimize the risk of being exposed to the Corona virus, especially the Omicron variant.

"Because the Omicron variant in Java and Bali has received very serious attention from the President. We are accelerating the booster vaccine, secondly, please maintain health protocols," said Khofifah in Malang City, East Java, Antara, Tuesday, February 8.

Khofifah explained that the two important points were the attention of President Joko Widodo, which was conveyed to all levels of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) both at the provincial and city district levels in Indonesia.

According to him, one of the implementations of health protocols that must be a concern is the importance of wearing masks. The transmission of the spread of the Corona virus is due to the presence of droplets due to reduced public discipline in using masks.

"Especially the use of masks. These two things (boost vaccines and health promotions) have a simple message, but health care discipline must be followed by commitment," he said.

He added that in Malang, there are a number of points that have implemented booster vaccinations, especially for the elderly. With the implementation of the vaccination, it is hoped that it will also be accompanied by socialization steps by the local government.

With a booster vaccination service that is carried out continuously, he continued, it will certainly be more accessible to the public. Giving booster vaccines is considered very important considering the spread of the Omicron variant of the Corona virus is much faster.

"With a stationary service like this, it is certainly easier to access and more certain. We see that COVID-19 cases, especially the Omicron variant, are getting very serious attention," he said.

For information, in East Java, there were 31,626,206 vaccination targets. Of this total, 28.08 million people have received the first dose of vaccine, 20.89 million people have received the second dose of vaccine and 920.5 thousand for the third dose.

In the East Java region, there were 412,987 positive confirmed cases of COVID-19, with a total of 6,052 active cases. Of the total confirmed cases, 377,138 people were reported to have recovered and 29,797 people died.

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