TANGERANG – The illegal levies (extortion) in the Old Market have been eradicated by the Tangerang City Government (Pemkot). But the problem has not ended there. In the structuring process there is still a commotion between the two managers.

Monday, February 7th, two men were seen, who were known to be representatives of the Payuguban for Street Vendors and the Old Market MSME Community. The two clashed over the arrangement. A crowd ensued, the two arguing with each other.

"Where is the basis, try to show who made it, who represents which? The evidence represents which environment? Where? Where? What is the basis of the evidence?," said Coky Siregar, the Old Market MSME Community.

"I represent the environment and the region. You agreed last night, sir." said the Tangerang Old Market Traders Association, Isalata.

In the debate, Coky admitted that he did not accept the current arrangement system. According to him, this will take a long process and there will be injustice between traders.

“Judging that the concept that was carried out was not in accordance with what was determined by PT TNG. We are talking about justice, if justice is in accordance with the portion," Coky told reporters at the Old Market, Tangerang City, Monday, February 7.

For information, the Old Market Culinary area of Tangerang City will be closed from February 2-7. Because they want to reorganize the area.

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