ACEH - The Lhokseumawe Police Traffic Unit destroyed dozens of Brong exhausts caught in the raid. The presence of an exhaust with this noisy sound is so disturbing to people on the road.

Head of AKP Traffic Unit Vifa Febriana Sari said his party destroyed 34 Brong exhausts. The exhaust was secured by a joint team in a raid some time ago.

"The exhaust was immediately destroyed by the owner who was accompanied by their parents," said AKP Vifa Febriana Sari in Lhokseumawe, Antara, Monday, February 7.

The raid and control of two-wheeled vehicles using Brong exhaust was a direct order from the Traffic Director of the Aceh Police, Kombes Dicky Sondani. The order, said AKP Vifa Febriana Sari, was due to many reports related to motorcycles using Brong exhaust.

"The use of exhaust that is not in accordance with this standard can cause noise and disturb people's comfort. In addition, exhaust gas emissions can pollute the environment," he said.

He explained that the use of the Brong exhaust was actually allowed, but not on the highway but to take part in a motorcycle modification contest.

Vifa said that the use of brong exhaust violates Article 285 paragraph (1) of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

"For those who violate, can be subject to a maximum imprisonment of 1 month or a maximum fine of Rp. 250,000," he said.

He appealed to all parties to work together in socializing and educating vehicle users to be able to use standard exhaust.

"This Brong exhaust raid is routine and continuous so that its use is no longer in the jurisdiction of the Lhokseumawe Police," said AKP Vifa Febriana Sari.

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