MALANG - The joint team of the COVID-19 Task Force, namely the Klojen Polsek and the Malang City Satpol PP, disbanded the Ccver dance competition which was held at Malang Town Square (Matos), Malang, East Java.

Polsek Klojen Kompol Domingos Ximenes said this activity was disbanded because it caused crowds and had the potential to spread the COVID-19 virus.

"We are disbanding to anticipate the spread of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus, which has started to rise significantly in Malang City. This condition is prone to become a new cluster,” said Domingos, Monday, February 7.

The disbandment, he said, was also in accordance with the rules as stated in the SE Mayor of Malang Number 7 of 2022 and the Minister of Home Affairs Number 6 of 2022 concerning PPKM Level. As cases increase, Malang City again has to apply PPKM level 2.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Dancer Cover Committee, Coky said that this activity was routinely carried out to welcome the celebration of the 2022 Chinese New Year. He was only limited to being a collaborator with the Matos Public Relations Staff.

Currently, continued Domingos, both parties have been summoned to provide information. Furthermore, both parties will be subject to minor (related) crimes if they are proven to have violated the health protocol rules.

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