JAKARTA - The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) has been highlighted again. It's not a conflict of cadre support, now the flags of Ganjar Pranowo and Puan Maharani are actually flying in Surabaya, East Java.

The fluttering Ganjar-Puan flag measures 50 x 40 cm. The red flags are often found on the Pasar Kembang flyover to the Jembatan Merah Plaza area.

It was later discovered that the flag with the image of the two PDIP elites was installed by the DPD Laskar Ganjar Puan (LGP) of East Java.

In response, political observers from the KedaiKOPI survey agency, Hendri Satrio, assessed that the flag displaying the photos of Ganjar and Puan in Surabaya was an answer to internal concerns that the PDIP would break. It is known that Ganjar and Puan are both expected to run in the 2024 presidential election.

"In my opinion, the Ganjar-Puan flag is the answer to PDI-P cadres' concerns about internal divisions. Because of the promotions carried out by Mbak Puan's supporters and Mas Ganjar's supporters as presidential candidates in 2024," Hendri Satrio told reporters, Sunday, February 6th.

According to him, the discourse of 'duet' Ganjar-Puan is a bold move. The reason, said Hendri, is that Puan's supporters don't necessarily want their champion to be paired with Ganjar. "Why do I say brave? Because it's not necessarily true that the top officials from Puan's camp want to be united with Ganjar Pranowo's supporters. Because, for the PDI-P, currently Puan Maharani is being promoted or for the 2024 presidential election, Hendri explained, PDIP can indeed nominate a presidential and vice-presidential candidate alone, without forming a coalition with other parties. However, according to him, the results will not be good for PDIP.

"According to the results of the KedaiKOPI survey, in fact, if PDIP distributes or encourages or nominates its own candidate, he is not in, not even in the top 2, not even in the top 3 for a good election. So, if forced, this pair will lose. So food soft against other coalition parties," he explained. The man who is familiarly called Hensat also considered that the Ganjar-Puan pair was not the answer to the principle of PDIP diversity. For example, the defeat of Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, even though it was promoted by a number of religious and nationalist parties. "Why did they lose? Because, if this pair was forced only by PDI-P, it would not answer the diversity promoted by the PDI-P. Gerindra once promoted Prabowo-Sandiaga It failed, even though at that time there were several political parties behind it, which carried enough diversity as well," he explained. Therefore, Hensat added, the discourse of the Ganjar-Puan pair was only an attempt to minimize the seeds of division within the PDIP internal circle. He also believes that the Ganjar-Puan pair will not be realized in 2024. "In my opinion, this (Ganjar-Puan) will not slide towards the presidential-vice presidential candidate. internal divisions, due to the nomination made by supporters of Ganjar Pranowo and the push for candidacy made by Puan Maharani," said Hensat.

Previously, the East Java LGP DPD confirmed that there were volunteers who wanted Ganjar and Puan to pair up in the 2024 presidential election.

"That's right, those are the voices of volunteers who want Pak Ganjar and Mbak Puan to run in the 2024 presidential election," said the chairman of the East Java LGP DPD, Saleh Ismail Mukadar, Saturday, February 5.

Saleh explained the reasons why the East Java LGP, the majority of whom were claimed to be PDIP cadres, supported Ganjar-Puan. One of them is to prevent friction. "The majority of these cadres are from PDIP, but these are non-party. Indeed, this is also the voice of the people, this is non-party structure. I am PDIP, we are seniors, we don't want our party to clash at the bottom. When supporters of Pak Ganjar and Mbak Ladies, there is friction, we don't want it, we present this idea to avoid friction below," said Saleh.

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