MALANG - The Idjen Boulevard Field Hospital (RSL) in Malang City, East Java will immediately be reactivated due to a surge in positive confirmed cases of COVID-19. The boulevard, which had stopped services for COVID-19 patients in early 2022, will reopen. "So, the RSL has been reactivated as a centralized isolation facility and services for patients who are confirmed positive for COVID-19 with mild or asymptomatic symptoms," Khofifah said, quoted by Antara. , Saturday, February 5. Khofifah explained that the status of RSL Idjen Boulevard would later become a centralized isolation facility, because the isoter facility, which was previously at the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) of East Java Province, could not be activated at this time, because a number of scheduled agendas at the BPSDM were full. . So, for now, the centralized isolation facility for handling COVID-19 patients will be completely located at RSL Idjen Boulevard. "This BPSDM incidentally has a scheduled agenda, so it is not possible to be an isoter. So, isoter as well as services for COVID-19 patients with mild or no symptoms. symptoms here," he added. He added that all supporting infrastructure to handle confirmed COVID-19 patients at RSL Idjen Boulevard is still relatively available and in good condition. So, it only takes a number of adjustments before reopening. "All infrastructure will also be activated. Actually the system does not shut down, but some screens in the rooms are tidied up. Regarding beds, they will also be used as needed," he said.

The reactivation of RSL Idjen Boulevard to handle confirmed COVID-19 patients is in line with the spike in cases seen since February 1, 2022. Under these conditions, a realignment of COVID-19 handling facilities is required. "As of February 1, 2022, there has been an increase in confirmed cases of COVID-19 any variant. When there is a fairly fast and relatively high increase, we rearrange places that allow us to prepare for centralized isolation," he said. In the Malang City area, COVID-19 cases have continued to increase in recent times. It was recorded that until February 4, 2022, the number of active COVID-19 cases in the Malang City area reached 551 cases. Based on data from the East Java Provincial Government, in the Malang City area there were 16,525 positive confirmed cases of COVID-19. Of the total confirmed cases, 14,840 people were reported to have recovered, and 1,134 people were declared dead.

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