JAKARTA - As many as 633 couples participating in the mass marriage which was held at the City Hall of DKI have been married off. On New Year's Eve 2020, they officially hold the status of husband and wife legally in the eyes of the law.
The mass marriage procession began with a speech by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. Then tausyiah from Ustadz Adi Hidayat which contains advice on living married life to the participants. After that, there were two couples who were married ceremonially.
The end of 2019 brings relief to participants in mass marriage because it has started a new chapter as a legal couple.
Moreover, some of them have been married according to Islamic law, but do not have a marriage document that is legal and has legal force from the Religious Court.
"We saw earlier, their faces were happy. We also felt happy. In fact, some of them said that writing the signature was tense and even trembling. Hopefully this will be a good new chapter for them," said Anies at City Hall , Central Jakarta, December 31st.

Anies understands how this married couple can feel relief over their official marital status.
Anies said, most of them are less prosperous residents. Of course, these circles need a number of assistance programs from the government, one of which requires the inclusion of legal marriage documents.
"When we look at the field, there are many underprivileged families who do not have documents as husband and wife," said Anies.
"For example, when they have children who go to school, the government cannot help them get assistance in the form of a Jakarta Smart Card. It all requires legal documents. With this marriage, they have all of these documents," he continued.
In the same opinion, Head of DKI Mental and Spiritual Education Bureau Hendra Hidayat stated that the identity of marriage is more important than the marriage itself.
Given, people who want to get married can come to the Office of Religious Affairs to be married for free. However, the process of marriage rituals from people who have previously been married in unregistered marriage is not that easy.
"Isbat is more complicated, there is a trial process and there is a fee for administration, approximately 500 thousand. Sorry, some feel that the nominal is quite large. That is what we facilitate to legalize their marriage, not only in religious terms but formally state law, "explained Hendra.
As is known, the oldest mass marriage partners are Adjid Effendi (77 years) and Rimih (55 years). Meanwhile, the couples with the youngest age are Samsul Bahri (24 years) and Finna Nurfauziyah (21 years).
The total number of mass marriage participants was 633 pairs, consisting of 143 new weddings and 490 pairs of weddings. All couples will receive free marriage fees and marriage fees, a dowry of Rp1 million and wedding gifts.
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