JAKARTA - The Kota Tua area is still one of the people's favorite places to celebrate the New Year 2020. Given that the museum area will be open until Wednesday, January 1, 2020 in the early hours of the morning to facilitate its citizens in welcoming New Year's Eve.

Given the possibility of congestion of people heading to the Old City, the West Jakarta Satlantas has conducted traffic flow engineering in West Jakarta. This is done to anticipate congestion around the area.

"The timing of the traffic engineering is tentative, because we see the situation and conditions in the field," Hari told reporters, Tuesday, December 31.

His engineering was that vehicles from Jalan Jembatan Batu towards Traffic Light (TL) Asemka turned left towards Jalan Pangeran Jayakarta towards Jalan Gunung Sahari.

Vehicles from the direction of Jalan Pinangsia Timur and Jalan Pinangsia Raya towards the Old City at TL Asemka are turning left towards Jalan Hayam Wuruk in the direction of Harmoni.

Meanwhile, the traffic flow from Jalan Gajah Mada towards Kota Tua at TL Asemka is turning left towards the flyover.

Then the traffic flow from Jalan Mangga Besar Raya to TL Olimo is reversed at the Mangga Besar loop. The traffic flow from Jalan Pintu Kecil to Jalan Kali Besar Barat at Pintu Kecil turns to the left towards Jalan Roa Malaka-Jalan Bandengan.

The traffic flow from Jalan Ekor Kuning towards Jalan Kunir was diverted to the right towards Jalan Kopi. The traffic flow from Jalan Cengkeh turn left on Jalan Kunir and then straighten towards Jalan Kampung Bandan.

The traffic flow from Jalan Pangeran Tubagus Angke towards Jembatan Lima was diverted to the right to Jalan KH Moh Mansur or was reversed towards Jalan Pangeran Tubagus Angke towards Jembatan Dua.

Meanwhile, the traffic flow from Jalan KH Moh Mansur to the Morning Market flyover towards the City or Jalan Perniagang Raya heading to Pasar Pagi is diverted to the left towards Jalan Pangeran Tubagus Angke towards Jembatan Dua.

The traffic flow from Jalan Perniagang Raya to the Pasar Pagi flyover towards the City is straightened towards Jalan Pangeran Tubagus Angke towards Jembatan Dua or turning left towards Jalan KH Moh Mansur.

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