JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has issued a warrant for supervision of case handling by the Attorney General's Office and the Police regarding suspect Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra and his friends.

"The KPK will invite the two APH (law enforcement officers) to conduct their case titles in the near future," said KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata during a press conference, Jakarta, Friday, September 4.

According to Alex, this was done to see the progress of this case. From here the KPK will determine the steps whether to take this case or not as regulated in Article 10A of Law Number 19 Year 2019 concerning the KPK.

Alek previously said that the implementation of Article 10A paragraph (1) and (2) does not need to wait for the further preparation of a Presidential Regulation (Perpres).

"The KPK invites the public to jointly monitor the handling of the case. We need to take this case seriously because it is suspected of involving law enforcement officials," said Alex.

In Article 10A of Law Number 19 of 2019, it is stated that the KPK has the authority to take over the investigation and / or prosecution of perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption that are being carried out by the Police or the Attorney General's Office.

Takeover of investigations and / or prosecutions can be carried out by the KPK on the grounds that public reports regarding corruption crimes are not followed up, the process of handling corruption crimes is without resolution or is delayed without any justifiable reasons, the handling of corruption is aimed at protecting the real perpetrators of corruption. .

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