JAKARTA – West Jakarta has been hit by a fire again. Even within one week, there were three fires in the area. The last disaster occurred in the early hours of Tuesday, February 1, when a fire hit at least 100 houses in the densely populated Jalan Kepa Duri Emas, Duri Kepa, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.

"There are 100 houses affected in RT 02 RW 004 Duri Kepa, West Jakarta, consisting of 100 families (KK) and 300 people," said Head of Operations Section of the West Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (PKP), Sjukri Bahanan when confirmed by Antara in Jakarta. .

Sjukri said that initially the firefighters received reports from residents regarding the fire at around 03.00 WIB. A few minutes later, firefighters arrived at the scene of the fire.

Initially, only a few officers came. Because the fire was getting bigger and spread to other buildings, Sjukri finally brought in 18 water pump cars with a strength of 90 personnel.

The process of extinguishing the fire lasted for an hour until the fire was finally extinguished at 04.35 WIB.

Now the residents of the fire victims are being evacuated to the temporary disaster post while waiting for help from the city government.

Regarding the cause of the fire, Sjukri estimates that the fire was caused by an overload of electricity in one of the residents' houses. "It is suspected that it was due to an 'overload' of electricity in one of the residents' houses," said Sjukri.

Sjukri admitted that this is the third time this fire has occurred in West Jakarta in the past week.

The first incident, a fire occurred on Tuesday, January 25, against 26 houses in the Tanah Cereal area, RT 10/10. As a result, hundreds of residents have lost their homes and property.

Six days later, January 31, another fire broke out in Tambora, precisely in the area of Jalan Kalianyar III, Kalianyar Village. The fire devoured 19 houses in RT 07,08.09, RW 01 area.

As a result, 40 families and 100 people had to lose their homes and were willing to live in refugee camps for a while.

Of the three fires that occurred, all were in densely populated areas where fire extinguishers were not available. This of course must be a concern for security forces and residents to at least always prepare fire extinguishers in every RT or neighborhood.

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