TANGERANG – A rape attempt by two men in Tangerang failed after the victim, the initial D, woke up from his sleep.

The Head of Jatiuwung Police, Kompol Zazali Hariyono, said that the incident occurred in the victim's rented house, in Panunggangan Barat, Cibodas, Tangerang City, Sunday, January 30.

"So he intended to rape the woman with the initials D. At that time D was sleeping in his room. The two perpetrators nicked the rented key. Continue to bring a cloth that is smeared with perfumed oil, the intention is to hold the woman so that she faints," said Zazali when contacted, Monday, January 31.

"The victim didn't faint, his name smelled good, instead he woke up screaming. Finally she (the girl) ran away," continued the police chief.

When the victim screamed, continued Zazali, the two perpetrators fled and left evidence. The evidence left in the form of a cloth used to smother the victim.

"Escaped but the evidence was left behind, we already know. It was the cloth used for smothering the victim, one of the perpetrator's clothes," he said.

The Jatiuwung Police received a report from local residents regarding the attempted rape of a woman. Zazali added that the perpetrator and the victim did not know each other. Because they both come from different areas.

"Yes, what the hood is wearing is one of the clothes belonging to one of the suspects. Information from the RT/RW shows that someone recognizes the clothes. One suspect is from Pandeglang, the other is from Lampung," he said.

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