MAMUJU - The West Sulawesi Health Office has prepared a program to reduce the prevalence of stunting in 2023-2026 to increase human resources in the Province of West Sulawesi. west dr. Marintani Erna Dochri in Mamuju, Friday (28/1). He said that the RPD in the health sector is to build a human development index by increasing public health status and decreasing stunting prevalence in this province. According to him, the stunting prevalence rate in West Sulawesi is still quite high at 33 ,8 percent which must be handled by the Government.

"The strategic development plan of the West Sulawesi Health Office is an effort to achieve the vision, mission, goals, targets, and programs for health affairs previously contained in the 2017-2022 RPD document," he said, quoted by Antara. sustainable and measurable indicative through target activity performance indicators every year. "The strategic plan document becomes a reference for the West Sulawesi Health Office in formulating short and medium term policies and planning documents in an effort to achieve the vision and mission of the RPD 2023-2026," he said. West Sulawesi's strategic health policy plan adjusts national health development so that the implementation of local government and central government programs can be in line with health development.

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