JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan invited Khaerun to the DKI City Hall. Khaerun is a Transjakarta bus driver who saves a woman from committing suicide.

When Khaerun arrived at the room, Anies greeted him with joy. Anies then asked Khaerun to explain the chronology of saving a suicide attempt at the Tiga Bridge flyover, West Jakarta, some time ago.

In the eyes of Anies, Khaerun is an example of a virtuous person for others. While working with passengers, Khaerun chose to care and save the woman.

"Thank you Pak Khaerun for showing a response as a responsible person. In an unexpected event, you chose to care and act, choosing to save fellow citizens and not leaving them alone. You are an example for all of us," said Anies, seen on the aniesbaswedan Instagram account, Friday, January 28th.

From this incident, Anies considers mental health as important as physical health.

If anyone needs psychological help, Anies asked his residents to conduct free mental health consultations at the Jakarta Public Health Center with BPJS.

"If friends or people who are known experience anxiety, depression or other mental health problems, don't hesitate to contact and discuss with related parties, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, as well as mental health clinics," said Anies.

"Friends can also consult online through the https://temanjiwa-dinkes.jakarta.go.id page and you can schedule a follow-up consultation with a psychologist at the Puskesmas if needed," he continued.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan invites Khaerun to DKI City Hall/PHOTO via Instagram aniesbaswedan

As is known, Khaerun's heroic actions were recorded in videos that were spread on social media. This incident took place on Tuesday, January 25

In the video circulating, Khaerun who saw a woman standing on the edge of the flyover, immediately parked the bus. Carefully persuading, finally Khaerun was able to pull the woman's body off guard.

After the suicide attempt was prevented, the woman, estimated to be in her 20s, was taken to a bus and handed over to the Jembatan Besi Police Station.

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