MEDAN - Logging in the forest area of Motung Village, Ajibata District, Toba Regency, North Sumatra, has gone viral on social media. The incident was reported by a civil servant from the Forestry Service, identified as JS (50).

The Toba Police Chief, AKBP Akala Fikta Jaya through the Head of Public Relations Iptu B Samosir, said that this incident was discovered when the reporter and 3 of his colleagues at the Forestry Service patrolled the forest protection and security in the village, Tuesday, January 25 afternoon.

"At that time, the reporter and his colleagues saw that the forest wood had been cut down and there were heavy excavators and wood pulling equipment at the location," said Iptu Samosir, Friday, January 28.

According to him, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Toba Police, AKP Nelson Sipahutar, is currently processing the report and is at the investigation stage.

"Where and have determined 4 people as suspects and the suspects have been detained at the Toba Polres Rutan," he explained.

In that case, the police secured several pieces of evidence in the form of 1 unit of heavy excavator including 10 pine logs.

"All evidence has been confiscated by the Toba Police Criminal Investigation Unit and it is possible that there are other suspects in this case. However, investigators are still developing," continued Iptu Samosir.

However, the police have not disclosed the identities of the four arrested perpetrators. Likewise with the motives of the perpetrators of the forest encroachers.

"The suspects are subject to Article 82 paragraph (1) letter b and Law No. 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction," said Iptu Samosir.

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