JAKARTA - The reported case of alleged hate speech regarding Kalimantan where the genie dumped his child, Edy Mulyadi, did not attend the summons for examination today. Although, previously the Police said that Edy would fulfill the examination.

"It just so happened that Mr. Edy Mulyadi was unable to attend today," said the head of Edy Mulyadi's team of lawyers, Herman Kadir, to reporters at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Friday, January 28.

The reason for Edy Mulyadi's absence was because the summons sent by investigators was deemed to have violated the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP).

Where, said Herman, according to the rules, the inspection should be carried out three days after the summons was sent.

"The first reason is that the summoning procedure is not in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code," he said.

"So it has to be at least 3 days, it's been 2 days that there has been a summons. Now we ask for the summons to be repaired again," continued Herman.

Therefore, Herman stated that he would ask investigators to reschedule the examination. Especially, repairing summons.

"So today we only delivered a letter to postpone the examination to the Police Headquarters," said Herman. Previously, Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan said Edy Mulyadi would fulfill the summons for an examination.

"Regarding EM's brother, after the investigators directly submitted the summons, the person concerned stated that he was willing to be examined," said Ramadhan.

Edy Mulyadi is suspected of insulting all Kalimantan residents because of his statement about the 'place for the genie to dump children'.

However, after being crowded, the secretary general of the National Movement to Guard Fatwa (GNPF) Ulama also straightened the context of the sentence. According to him, the term is commonly used by residents of Jakarta to describe a remote location.

"I'm really sorry to be considered, I'm still sorry. Only what I said in the context of where the genie dumped the child was to describe a remote, remote location. If my friends in Kalimantan feel disturbed, insulted, I apologize," said Edy through his Youtube channel, @BANG EDY CHANNEL reported by VOI, Monday, January 24.

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