JAKARTA - The clients of PT Jouska Finansial Indonesia reportedly will report the financial planning company to the Police. The party that was reported was the CEO of Jouska Indonesia Aakar Abyasa Fidzuno. This is due to the alleged violation of the Capital Market Law.

Financial Planner Practitioner as well as Chairman & President of the IARFC (International Association of Register Financial Consultants) Indonesian Financial Planner Association, Aidil Akbar also accompanied Jouska's clients. Aidil said that one of the materials for the report was Aakar's certification as a financial planner.

According to Aidil, Aakar does not have a certification as a financial planner issued by the International Association of Register Financial Consultants or IARFC.

"He only took classes. But he never took the certification. So different people taking the same class have a diploma. The one who ever had was his partner (Aakar) and that was not mentioned in the press conference. From the association, we can challenge him to apply for his certification, which is him. from America, "he said, when contacted by VOI, Thursday, September 3.

Aidil suspected that the certification Aakar claimed was a class participation certificate but not a graduation certificate. Because, he said, in order to get certification, a prospective recipient must make a presentation in the form of a case and be heard by three examiners.

"So it's like the S2 session to get the certification," he said.

Then, said Aidil, the involvement of PT Mahesa Strategis Indonesia and PT Mahesa Strategis Indonesia and PT Amarta Investa Indonesia was also one of the reporting materials for Jouska's boss.

Furthermore, Aidil said, reflecting on Aakar's statement that Jouska's customers had opened securities accounts, even without Mahesa and Amarta the client could have purchased shares.

"I just opened a brokerage account, who is the broker? For example, Phillips Sekuritas or MNC Sekuritas. That's already a broker. So their broker should coordinate with me as a financial planner and I have a Securities Trading Representative (WPPE) license as well. I can say, okay, my customer has a profit like this, if you want to invest in this way, the broker will confirm it to the customer. If possible, why do you have to have Mahesa and Amarta? For what use? The question is, "Aidil explained.

The news of the report on Boss Jouska originated from a short message from Rinto Wardana, who is the advocate accompanying Jouska victims. The reporting was made after Aakar appeared in front of the media some time ago.

"Responding to the press conference held by Jouska with the explanation given directly by the CEO of Jouska and the majority shareholder of Mahesa Investa Aakar Abyasa, we hereby make a report to the police, in this case Polda Metro Jaya against Aakar Abyasa and several individuals as well as a legal entity affiliated with Aakar Abyasa, "said Rinto in a written statement.

Rinto said the reporting would be carried out today at the Polda Metro Jaya SPKT. In this report, Rinto was also accompanied by financial planning practitioners such as Aidil Akbar Madjid, Safir Senduk, APERKEI (Association of Indonesian Financial Planners) and the victims.

In this case, Aakar was suspected of having committed several cross-statute violations. Starting from the Capital Market Law, the ITE Law to the crime of money laundering.

"As a result of violations of the Capital Market Law as well as alleged criminal acts of fraud (Article 378 of the Criminal Code), allegations of fake news crimes that cause consumer losses in electronic transactions (Article 27 Paragraph 1 of the ITE Law No.11 of 2008) and alleged criminal acts regulated in Article 4 Law No. 8/2010 concerning the Crime of Money Laundering, "he said.

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