JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR RI has asked Attorney General ST Burhanuddin to optimize law enforcement efforts through a restorative justice approach that is carried out systematically and measurably. in 2004 regarding the Indonesian Attorney General's Office by always paying attention to aspects of transparency and case accountability," said member of Commission III of the DPR, Ary Egahni Ben Bahat, when reading the conclusion of a working meeting with the Attorney General at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday 27 January. urge the Attorney General to implement a reward and punishment evaluation system in an orderly and transparent manner in the mutation and promotion pattern in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

Commission III of the DPR RI received an explanation from the Attorney General regarding the performance achievements in 2021 as well as the 2022 work plan and priority programs. also conveyed the results of the recess visits for the I and II trials in 2021-2022 to the Attorney General. Commission III noted a number of problems and budget needs from several provinces in Indonesia. "We ask for support for the activities we will carry out, especially in law enforcement, to be honest it is very difficult. But we believe with the support of Commission III, I can carry out my tasks. This is heavy," said Attorney General ST Burhanuddin.

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