JAKARTA - The National Police who are included in the Task Force (Satgas) for handling state collection rights from BLBI funds managed to seize assets worth Rp. 5.9 trillion. The asset is in the form of security and physical control of the assets owned by the obligor or debtor of BLBI funds.

"Rp5.9 trillion worth of confiscated assets, security and physical control of the obligor's assets," said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in a statement, Thursday, January 27.

Not only BLBI funds, Sigit stated, his party will continue to take action against cases of crimes against state assets or criminal acts of corruption. It is recorded that 247 corruption cases have been handled during 2021.

"Based on the assessment of the BPK and BPKP, a total of 442 billion state financial cases have been rescued from the investigation of corruption cases throughout 2021. This number has increased by 18.5 percent compared to 2020," said Sigit.

On the other hand, Sigit emphasized that the Police did not only take action. This is because prevention efforts are also carried out through measurable system improvements through improving the Corruption Perception Index (GPA) in Indonesia.

The reason is that the results of the study show that an increase in GPA of 1 point contributes to an increase in Gross Domestic Product of 1.7 percent or Rp. 273 trillion.

"To strengthen efforts to eradicate corruption, the Police have also recruited 44 former KPK employees by prioritizing efforts to prevent corruption and restore state finances," explained the former Banten Police Chief.

Then, the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit also mentioned the disclosure of 324 cases of criminal acts of natural wealth in the form of illegal logging, 350 illegal mining and 35 cases of illegal fishing. Where, a series of cases were revealed in 2021.

"The total number of cases that have been resolved is 247 out of 557 cases," said Listyo Sigit.

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