JAKARTA - The family of the elderly victim of the beating, Wiyanto Halim (89) in Cakung, East Jakarta, wants all perpetrators to be arrested. The attorney for the family of the victim Wiyanto Halim, Freddy Y Patty, confirmed that the beating case was not related to a land dispute.

"It doesn't lead to that," said Freddy, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, January 26.

Freddy also said that the family is still grieving and regretting the incident that occurred.

"Still hit, still crying. We hope that the provocateurs can be caught, the perpetrators can be arrested," said Freddy, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, January 26.

Freddy added that although currently, the police have named five suspects, the victim's family believes that the perpetrators of the beating were more than that.

He said the victim's family accompanied by a lawyer had also visited the East Jakarta Metro Police to discuss the progress of the case investigation.

"We came today regarding the suspect alone. Developments that may occur, we are still waiting for the results of the investigation, we pray that everything will be resolved," said Freddy.

Previously, investigators from the East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit named five suspects in the case of the beating that killed an elderly person with the initials WH (89) in Cakung.

The Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner Pol Endra Zulpan explained that the five suspects had the initials TB (21), JI (23), RYN (23), MA (23), and MJ (18) with their respective roles.

"TB's role was to kick the car and the victim's right leg to the waist, then to the stomach," said Endra Zulpan at the East Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, January 25.

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