JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin reminded all scholars not to be excessive in conveying da'wah to Muslims but to invite them to behave as taught by Allah SWT.

"Our task is to invite, to preach. We do not give instructions. But it is Allah SWT who gives guidance. Therefore, we do not need to be excessive in conveying da'wah, as taught by Allah and His Messenger," said Vice President Ma'ruf in a statement issued received in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, January 26.

Vice President Ma'ruf also added that the ulama have an important role to maintain tolerance between religious believers, so that harmony can be realized and maintained in Indonesia.

To achieve harmony, he continued, the teachings of moderate Islam or wasathiyah must be developed in order to create peace. It is important, continued Vice President Ma'ruf, that ulama cannot work alone for that.

"Therefore, we must continue to maintain and preserve this peace and harmony, one of which is by continuing to echo the values of moderation in religion in accordance with wasathiyah principles," he explained.

Therefore, the Vice President asked all ulama in Indonesia to unite and be in line in increasing Islamic moderation in various regions. Thus, Indonesia can become the axis in the spread of Wasathiyah Islam in the world.

In addition, the Vice President also asked the community and religious-based institutions, such as the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), to play a role in maintaining inter-religious harmony in Indonesia.

The Vice President assessed that FKUB played an important role in maintaining inter-religious harmony in provinces, regencies and cities throughout Indonesia.

"The role of FKUB throughout Indonesia needs to be strengthened. Peace and harmony must be maintained and preserved, one of which is by continuing to echo the values of moderation in religion," said the Vice President.

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