JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD spoke about irregularities in the arrest of the suspect of pouring hard water on KPK senior investigator Novel Baswedan. According to Mahfud, there is no problem if the public thinks there are irregularities in the arrests of RM and RB because the government cannot please all parties.

"Whatever the government finds, there will be someone who applauds for joy, someone will criticize it. That is part of the criticism," Mahfud told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, December 30.

Meanwhile, regarding the irregularities in the perpetrator's sketch, according to the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, it would be better if it was proven in court. Because of course the court has more ability to determine this matter.

"For example, of the boxes, 388, 338 of the four hundred points are suitable, this one is still doubtful. About that, we will prove it in court that there is its own technology," Mahfud explained.

As Menkopolhukam, he also emphasized that the handling of the Novel Baswedan case which is approaching a new phase will be carried out in a transparent manner.

Mahfud even said that the police would not be able to intervene in the case, especially if it had already been processed to court. "The court is not a subordinate of the police, the court cannot be dictated, the prosecutor is also not the subordinate of the police," he said.

Previously, the disclosure of the alleged perpetrator of Novel's attack caused several irregularities and did not provide complete information certainty about this case.

One of the Novel Baswedan advocacy team members, Alghifari Aqsa, questioned the truth of the news that the perpetrator of the attack on KPK investigator Novel Baswedan had been arrested by the police. This is doubtful because there is also information that the two attackers surrendered to the police.

"The police must reveal the motive of the perpetrator suddenly surrendering himself, if it is not true that he was arrested. And it must also be ensured that the person concerned is not a person who is" installed "to cover up the perpetrator whose role is greater," Alghifari said in a written statement received by VOI on Friday. , December 27th.

Alghif considered that there were many odd things that needed to be explained by the police. One of them is the issuance of the Notification Letter on the Progress of Investigation Results (SP2HP) dated 23 December 2019 which states the perpetrator is not yet known. That means just four days before the disclosures are made public on December 27.

The difference in information must be clarified by the Police. This is because the police findings seem new and out of sync with what has been reported in the news, for example the face sketch of the perpetrator that has been issued by the Police.

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