JAKARTA - Member of the DPR RI Special Committee (Pansus) Guspardi Gaus invited the public to file a judicial review of the State Capital Law (UU IKN) to the Constitutional Court (MK).
As did the former chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Din Syamsuddin. According to him, this step is the right of the people and guaranteed by law. Moreover, the community considers the IKN Law to be formally flawed.
The member of the PAN faction of the DPR admitted that he would not hinder and intervene in any party who challenged the results of the work of the DPR and the government in agreeing on the IKN Law.
"The duties of the DPR and the government have been completed," said Guspardi, Tuesday, January 25.
The West Sumatran legislator said that in drafting the DPR Law, he always refers to Law 12/2011 concerning the Formation of a Law through the mechanism and the implementation of which the discussion is carried out very openly.
In addition, said Guspardi, his party also uses a number of social media platforms in discussing the IKN Bill so that the public can see the process of forming the law transparently.
"We also conduct RDPU with experts according to their fields. Previously, it was only three days to five days, it was part of the openness and involvement of the community," he explained.
"So we discussed that the law was not closed, transparent and provided room for criticism, input and suggestions," he continued.
Therefore, Guspardi invites the public to submit a judicial review to the Constitutional Court if the law produced by the DPR and the government does not satisfy the public. He claimed to respect all decisions of the Constitutional Court Judges regarding the IKN Law.
"So what the Court decides, we will sami'na wa atho'na or we will follow what the Constitutional Court decides," said Guspardi.
Previously, the former chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) Din Syamsuddin planned to sue the State Capital Law (UU IKN) to the Constitutional Court (MK). The lawsuit will be filed if it is officially numbered.
"Yes, we will sue. But wait for it to be promulgated," said Din when confirmed, Friday, January 21.
Din said he was not the only one who would sue. There were also several other parties who joined. However, he did not specify who the parties were.
"Many parties are willing to join. Later in time (will be submitted)," he said.
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