JAKARTA - State-owned enterprises through PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) Group will distribute 750,000 liters every month until May 2022. All of this is done to support the cheap cooking oil program throughout Indonesia at a price of Rp. 14,000 per liter.
The operation was also carried out in Cianjur, West Java at the end of last week through Holding Perkebunan Nusantara or PTPN III. The Nusakita brand used was appreciated by the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir.
"This is in accordance with the president's directives, and it seems that in other areas, I see Cianjur residents are very enthusiastic about getting cheap cooking oil," said Erick, Monday, January 24.
The distribution of cheap cooking oil is intended to maintain oil price stability this year. Become a PTPN III program, namely the 2022 retail cooking oil market activity.
Located in Cianjur Square and Kebun Gedeh PTPN VIII, as many as 834 cartons of cooking oil or the equivalent of 10,008 liters were distributed at a price of Rp. 14,000.
The mechanism used is the difference between the cost and the selling price which is the burden of PTPN Group by taking CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility funds.
Doni P. Gandamihardja as General Director of PTPN III ensures that his company will carry out and oversee the operation of this market according to directions and meetings with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Trade.
Furthermore, this market operation will be held in a number of regions in Indonesia.
"It will run in several areas as planned by the government. We are ready to support the government's program by providing the best cooking oil products we produce at affordable prices," said Doni.
PTPN Group dedicates 1/4 of the cooking oil production capacity or equivalent to 750 thousand liters per month for the next 5 months until May 2022. The government provides subsidies to encourage cooking oil production to meet the market operation target of 1.2 billion liters of the low-cost oil program.
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