JAKARTA - Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Penny Lukito explained the development of four candidates for the procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia.

The first vaccine candidate is the development of the Red and White vaccine by the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) and the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology. It is predicted that this vaccine will be produced in mid-2021.

"Currently, the POM is making a roadmap for the stages of development of the Red and White vaccine needed to meet the pre-clinical, clinical data requirements and the quality of the vaccines to be made," said Penny in a live stream on the Youtube Presidential Secretariat, Tuesday, September 1.

Penny said, the roadmap for the Red and White vaccine had been submitted to the Ministry of Research and Technology on August 14. After that, it will be followed up with a discussion forum with related stakeholders.

"So, this vaccine, the stages of development are in accordance with the time we have planned, with an acceleration of course," said Penny.

The second vaccine is the development of international cooperation, namely the Sinovac vaccine from China and is being studied by the Faculty of Medicine Unpad and Biofarma. 260 million doses of this vaccine will be provided.

Since August 11, the government has conducted phase three clinical trials with a target of 1,620 volunteers. Currently, 1,800 volunteers have registered.

"Until the end of August, there are approximately 500 subjects who have been recruited and have received the Sinovac vaccine injection stage," he said.

The third candidate is the Sinofarm G42 vaccine from the United Arab Emirates with a provision of 10 million doses of vaccine by the end of this year.

On August 24, the Indonesian government witnessed first hand clinical trials being carried out in the country. There are 22,000 volunteers participating from 119 countries and nationalities.

"There are 119 nationalities who have been involved as clinical trial subjects and involve 100 doctors and 1,000 nurses. The diversity of the population will provide valid clinical trial results," said Penny.

The fourth candidate is the Genexine vaccine developed by PT Kalbe Farma with South Korea as well as several communications with other countries. Currently, the Genexine vaccine is only going through phase I clinical trials in South Korea.

"I think the Genexine vaccine has started communication for the next stages of development," added Penny.

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