MEDAN - A prison-like cage was found in the private residence of the Regent of Langkat, who was inactive during the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) search of the Hand Capture Operation (OTT) last week.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said that during the search by the KPK, there were 27 people inside the prison-like building.

According to Kombes Hadi, the existence of the prison-like building has existed since 2012. Inside the Terbit Warin Angin Regent's house complex, there are 2 prison-like buildings.

"Initial information was used as a place of rehabilitation for people who are addicted to drugs," said Kombes Hadi in Medan, Monday, January 24.

Kombes Hadi said that until now the existence of drug rehabilitation, which the Langkat Regent called the 'Disabled Plan for Warring Angin', did not yet have a permit.

"In 2017, BNNK Langkat, had coordinated there, if it was used as a place of rehabilitation, let it be given official permission. But until last second, it didn't exist," he asserted.

Currently, he said, a joint team from the North Sumatra Regional Police is still investigating and gathering information regarding the existence of a prison-like building in the private residence of the Published War-Angin Plan.

"This is being investigated, related to developing information, this continues to be explored and the team is working to find facts on the ground. Information can be provided by the public," he said.

Regarding the allegations of employing people who are in the prison-like building in an oil palm plantation, Kombes Hadi did not explain in detail.

"The cell is there, in the form of a detention room, that's true. This team is currently investigating. If it is suspected of employing detained employees, until now all information is being investigated. Some say they work on the plantation every morning," he explained.

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