JAKARTA - The West Papua Province COVID-19 task force encourages the implementation of friendly and safe vaccination for residents of this area by checking the day before being vaccinated. The head of the West Papua COVID-19 Task Force daily, Derek Ampnir in Manokwari, Thursday, said that the method of checking the day before being vaccinated "Health checks are an important indicator to determine a person's risk of the COVID-19 vaccine, officers will be more thorough if the health checks are carried out the day before people are vaccinated," said Derek Ampnir, quoted by Antara, Sunday. , January 23. He said this method was based on the experience of implementing a one-year vaccination in a number of areas in West Papua where residents often protested with various accusations of vaccination. (comorbit) can be referred to k undergo comprehensive treatment," said Ampnir.

He admits that sometimes the officers are not very thorough or that human error may occur with people lining up at the service. "Apart from human error, in most cases, residents are not completely honest or even know their own health condition," said Ampnir also said that the awareness of the people of West Papua to be vaccinated has been formed, but in some cases it still leaves trauma to certain community groups in the area.

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