CIANJUR - The Cianjur Health Service, West Java, is still waiting for the results of an investigation and deepening from the West Java KIPI (Post Immunization Follow-up Events) Komda related to the death of a PAUD student in Cianjur, allegedly after being vaccinated against COVID-19 on behalf of ZL (6.5 years) a few days then.

The head of the Cianjur Health Office, Irvan Nur Fauzy, said the West Java KIPI Komda had investigated the deaths of PAUD students in Pasir Kuda District. However, they have not received a report.

"The West Java KIPI Komda has investigated the case of the student's death. We have not received any official information or developments from the results of the investigations, such as verbal autopsies from parties suspected of being involved in the case, including his family," said Irvan, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 21.

He explained that the initial action taken for children was different from adults before getting vaccinated, however, his party only found out that the student had a history of stunting, while those related to other diseases were waiting for the results of the investigation.

"Regarding the history of other comorbidities, we are still waiting for the results of the Komda KIPI investigation, we also just found out that the student has a history of stunting," he said.

He hopes that with this incident, parents will not be afraid of their children being vaccinated, as long as they are open and routinely check the health of their families, including children who will get vaccinated.

"Don't be afraid for your child to get vaccinated, because so far, AEFI cases are unlikely to occur as long as the recipient does not have or has a history of co-morbidities. We urge parents to be open, when a child has co-morbidities, immediately inform them," he said.

Previously, the Cianjur Health Office recorded three cases of Post Immunization Adverse Events (KIPI) during the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination, one of them died within a few days of receiving immunization and two others were temporarily paralyzed.

Previously, the secretary of the Cianjur Health Office, Dr. Yusman Faisal in Cianjur, previously said that the severe AEFI case affected two adults, residents of the Bojongpicung and Mande sub-districts, who had been paralyzed for several months, but after receiving treatment they returned to normal. Pasir Kuda, after undergoing treatment the student died.

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