JAKARTA - Member of the Board of Trustees of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Titi Anggraini assessed that there was an increase in the involvement of judges and courts in the formation of election law or "judicialization of politics". the way to revise laws is by legislators," Titi said when giving a presentation on material at a national seminar entitled Problems of Term of Office for Regional Heads and 2024 Simultaneous Elections broadcast on the PSHK FH UII YouTube channel, monitored from Jakarta, Friday, January 21. , Titi said that as a society in a state of law, when they feel they are in conflict with the law, one way out is to resolve the problem before the Constitutional Court. revision of the Election Law , did not revise the Pilkada Law, and did not revise the Political Party Law.

According to him, this has resulted in people fighting for their rights through the Constitutional Court. Thus, the involvement of judges and courts in the formation of electoral law is unavoidable. There are those who are testing the age of candidates for KPU and Bawaslu members, and others," he said.

Titi also assessed that the process of entering courts in the formation of electoral law, according to Titi, could affect election governance because the decisions of the Constitutional Court could be issued in the midst of crucial stages that are currently underway. anticipated by election organizers, such as the General Election Commission (KPU), the General Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), and the General Election Organizing Honorary Council (DKPP). , etc. This will disrupt the professionalism and technical governance of elections in 2024," he concluded.

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