JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Uno has formed a team to prepare the tourism and creative economy sectors in the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has made efforts from planning to budgeting to prepare tourism potential in IKN after the DPR passed the Draft Law on the State Capital (RUU IKN) into law.

"We at Kemenparekraf have formed a team on how to revitalize the Tourism and Creative Economy sector in IKN, which is now called Nusantara," said Sandiaga, Friday, January 21.

Sandiaga said, Parekraf actors must be keen to see opportunities at IKN Nusantara, especially in the hospitality to culinary sectors in order to create job opportunities.

And what needs to be remembered, the presence of IKN Nusantara does not mean that it has a bad impact on the tourism sector in Jakarta.

"Hotels in DKI Jakarta do not mean that they will continue to decline. If we look at the impact in Sydney and Kuala Lumpur, there is no decline, but rather an increase in quality. Therefore, from an economic and business perspective, people will come to Jakarta," said Sandiaga.

More than that, Sandiaga explained that public visits to Jakarta will remain high because it remains a business city. Infrastructure development to transportation modes in Jakarta is expected to reduce congestion.

"From infrastructure development, congestion is handled, tourist destinations can serve. Ancol, Setu Babakan, Ragunan will also be transformed," said Sandiaga.

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