JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, brought the latest news regarding the plan to implement a paid road system or electronic road pricing (ERP) in the capital city.

After several years of stagnation, Syafrin said the DKI Provincial Government and DKI DPRD would draft regional regulations (perda) regarding ERP implementation. This has also been included in the program for the formation of regional regulations (propemperda) this year.

"Currently, the draft regional regulation for electronic paid roads has entered the regional regulation this year. Of course, this is also our priority for discussion, so that it becomes the regional regulation as the basis for future implementation," Syafrin told reporters, Friday, January 21.

Then, what about the continuation of the third-party tender process for ERP project tenders? Syafrin said, based on the results of the DKI Dishub group discussion (FGD) forum together with experts, the government must finalize the regulations first.

Meanwhile, while the process of forming a regional regulation is underway, the DKI Provincial Government is also preparing the documents needed for the process of procuring goods and services that are sourced from the DKI APBD.

"So, from the results of the FGD it is recommended that the ERP implementation can be sustainable, so what must be prepared first is the regulation," said Syafrin. "Regarding the auction, technical documents will be prepared, while regulations are also prepared. so the regulations are ready, this (auction) is ready," he added.

The plan to build a paid road system has actually been echoed since 2006, when the Governor of DKI Jakarta was occupied by Sutiyoso.

Then, the ERP plan was finalized during Joko Widodo's leadership and continued by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in 2014. At that time, regulations were prepared to the tender process was carried out.

Under Anies' leadership, the ERP implementation plan stalled again because two bidders, namely Q Free ASA and Kapsch TrafficCom AB withdrew, leaving one vendor, namely PT Bali Towerindo Sentra. Until finally, the auction process will be repeated.

Last December 2021, Dishub held a FGD. As a result, vehicles crossing paid roads are expected to be charged a tariff of between IDR 5,000 and IDR 19,900. The auction will be carried out this year, while the ERP operation will be carried out in 2023. It is targeted that the ERP will be implemented on 18 roads.

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