BATAM - Batam City Health Office, Riau Islands recorded the number of active positive cases of COVID-19 in the city soared after 10 people were declared exposed on Thursday, January 20.

"Today there are 10 additional people and they are spread over several urban villages. Not from one family," said Head of the Batam City Health Office Didi Kusmarjadi when confirmed by telephone, reported by Antara.

Based on the records provided by the local COVID-19 Handling Task Force, the number of additional positives today is the highest since the last four months.

In these four months, the number of additional positive COVID-19 cases in Batam has always been below 10 people every day. Finally, on September 16, an additional 11 people were recorded.

Didi stated that of the 10 additional people who were positive for COVID-19 today, two of them had just arrived from Jakarta. "So these two people from Batam to Jakarta then to Bali, and return from Bali, Surabaya to Batam," he said.

His party did a search by checking the passengers who were on the same plane with the two residents who had just returned from out of town in order to minimize the spread of the virus.

To anticipate the Omicron variant, his party sent a sample of each positive citizen to the Jakarta Balitbangkes. Meanwhile, with the addition of 10 positive people for COVID-19, now a total of 11 people are still actively exposed to the Corona Virus. All are in self-isolation.

That way, cumulatively as of today, as many as 25,866 people are positive for COVID-19, 25,013 people have finished isolating and 842 people have died.

"The cure rate is 96.702 percent, the death rate is 3.255 percent, and active cases are 0.043 percent," said the Task Force statement.

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