JAKARTA - The flood that inundated dozens of RTs in Jakarta today has not subsided for more than 6 hours. This condition does not meet the target of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria explained that the missed target for flood management, which should recede 6 hours after the rain stopped today, was caused by the condition of the plains being lower than sea level.

"There may be some points where the plains are very low. There are some points where the land is far below sea level. That is indeed an exception," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 19.

However, Riza claims that in general, flooding and inundation that occurs on normal plains can certainly recede in less than 6 hours.

Moreover, he said, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts an increase in rainfall in January and February compared to December 2021.

"Indeed, there is an increase in the intensity of rain in January to February compared to December. For that, we ask the public to be more careful. Make sure they are prepared. Residents whose areas have the potential for inundation or flooding, all must be careful," he explained.

Regarding residents who have fled, Riza said that currently the DKI Provincial Government has handled it by preparing assistance for evacuation places to logistical needs.

"We, the BPBD ranks, the disaster task force, the TNI-Polri, and social and humanitarian activists have understood their respective duties, have prepared support, equipment, and the officers on the ground are already on stand-by," he said.

Based on the records of the DKI Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), at 09.00 WIB this morning, there were 64 RTs that were flooded up to 1 meter across West Jakarta.

Then at 12.00 WIB, the flood points increased to 93 RT. Based on data updates as of 15.00 WIB, the flood points have increased again to 102 RT.

This evening, the flood was still inundated in 77 RT. There were 1,194 flood-affected residents evacuated in 16 locations such as prayer rooms, RPTRA, RW secretariat offices, to flats.

The DKI Provincial Government noted that the rainfall that had occurred since Tuesday, January 18, was considered extreme. The rainfall in Kemayoran was recorded at 204 millimeters, in Teluk Gong 193 millimeters, in Pulomas 177 millimeters, and in Kelapa Gading 163 millimeters.

If you recall, some time ago Anies had targeted that the floods that would inundate Jakarta during the rainy season would recede within 6 hours.

"Our responsibility is to prepare all the forces to be able to dry up the puddles in less than 6 hours. If the rainfall is below 100mm, it should be managed properly. If it is above 100mm, we are targeting within six hours to be able to overcome the inundation until it recedes," said Anies.

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