SURABAYA - Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi found utilities in scattered condition and have the potential to cause puddles during heavy rains in the area of Jalan Ngagel Timur, Surabaya City, East Java.

"I have conveyed it. All utilities that exist in all channels must be seen, whether they have a permit or not. It will be announced for 7 days, if 7 days are announced no one admits it, knock (break)," said Mayor Eri Cahyadi in Surabaya quoted Between, Wednesday, January 19.

According to Eri, the utility was found in a scattered condition when checking waterways in the Jalan Ngagel Timur area on Tuesday, January 18 afternoon.

Therefore, Eri instructed his staff to check the permits of the utilities installed in the channel. Even though they already have permission, Eri hopes, the owners will reorganize the utilities that are in a scattered condition.

Eri Cahyadi said that utilities installed across the channel can of course have an impact on the smooth flow of water. Moreover, he continued, when utilities are only passed without being pasted or arranged, it will actually be the cause of the accumulation of garbage in the channel.

"That's why the channel crossing can't work, because the garbage stops at the (utility) cables," he said.

Not only utility problems in the channel, Eri also asked street vendors (PKL) who stand above the channel, also need to be arranged. Therefore, he instructed the lurah and camat to pay attention to this matter.

"Even if they are allowed to trade, they will be regulated, because after all they (PKL) are citizens of Surabaya, we must protect their economy. But don't let their presence interfere with the channel," he said.

The former head of the Surabaya City Development Planning Agency (Bappeko) also stated that the current homework for the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) is how when it rains, there are no puddles.

"What I always tell my friends, our challenge is when it rains there are no puddles. If it rains there are puddles, when the rain subsides, that's normal," he said.

To prevent inundation, Eri Cahyadi also moved the Fire and Rescue Service (PMKP) car unit. The car was prepared as a tactical step to resolve the puddle that had arisen.

"Therefore, when the primary canal (work) is not finished, we use the PMKP Service car and move all sub-districts and sub-districts in Surabaya. Thank God, when it rains, all sub-districts and lurahs descend," he said.

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