JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan claims that his party can handle the Jakarta floods that have hit since Tuesday, January 19, in a short time.

"Jakarta was hit by extreme rain but it could be handled quickly. Why? By Allah's permission, systematic and fast work produces results!" Anies wrote in the aniesbaswedan Instagram account, Wednesday, January 19.

Anies explained that flooding could have occurred yesterday due to extreme rain. He said the rainfall in Kemayoran was recorded at 204 millimeters, in Teluk Gong 193 millimeters, in Pulomas 177 millimeters, and in Kelapa Gading 163 millimeters.

"Rainfall above 150 millimeters is an extreme condition. The drainage capacity in Jakarta ranges from 50-100 millimeters. If it rains above 100 mm per day, there will definitely be flooding in Jakarta," said Anies.

Therefore, when Jakarta is hit by floods, the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government will prioritize the safety of the affected residents. After that, ensure that pumping efforts are carried out so that the flood can recede within a maximum of six hours after the rain stops.

"Alhamdulillah, thanks to the readiness and responsiveness of the DKI Provincial Government, most of yesterday's flood points have receded on the same day," said Anies.

However, based on the recording of the DKI Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) as of today at 12.00 WIB, floods still inundated 93 RTs in DKI. The details are 73 RTs in West Jakarta and 20 RTs in North Jakarta.

The highest flood was in Tegal Alur Village with a water level of 1 meter. Until now, there are still 908 residents who have evacuated in 15 points.

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