JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya plans to move the location of the street race which was previously held in the Ancol area, North Jakarta. This transfer is to find a more suitable location.

"Next month, we plan to hold the same event at a different location," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters, Wednesday, January 19.

In the plan to move the location of the street race, continued Sambodo, his party is looking for the right location. There are at least three potential locations that are deemed to meet the criteria.

"We will conduct a survey tomorrow, maybe we will review the track in BSD, including Bekasi City and Depok. We will survey the three locations for the second race," he said.

The reason for this transfer is because the second street race event will likely be followed by more participants. Then, the security sector will be paid more attention.

"If possible the number of participants will be more and in two days. If this event can be held regularly, friends who like racing can channel their talents and hobbies in that activity and also don't do illegal racing with lane closures so that it is more orderly and safety is guaranteed," said Sambodo .

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya held a street race event in the Ancol area, North Jakarta. This race event was attended by 350 participants.

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