JAKARTA - Recently, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, has often visited the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) to watch music performances during a sound system trial at the magnificent stadium.

Anies also had time to upload photos and videos of himself watching a trial performance of the sound system, starting from Fadli from the band Padi, Nidji, to Afgan.

Member of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD, Gilbert Simanjuntak, regretted this. Gilbert views that there are still more crucial issues for Anies to handle, such as flooding in the rainy season to the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19.

Gilbert reminded that at the beginning of this year the Jakarta floods had already inundated at several points. Unfortunately, Gilbert did not see Anies intervene directly to deal with the flood.

"The BMKG predicts heavy rain from January 17 to 22, 2022 and there is no explanation from the governor regarding readiness. It's not like the singing event at JIS which has been shown many times," Gilbert told reporters, Wednesday, January 19.

Likewise with the deployment of the Omicron variant in the Capital City. As of January 17, there have been 856 cases of Omicron, with details of 663 cases of foreign travelers (PPLN) and 193 cases of local transmission.

"Omicron is also increasing and there is no explanation from the Governor regarding readiness. In fact, what is discussed is discordant voices using discordant voices that are not melodious for the people," said Gilbert. DKI Jakarta is flooded. The height of the flood that inundated West Jakarta and Central Jakarta reached almost one meter.

Then, it was recorded that 57 people from 99 families in Tegal Alur fled. At least 19 roads were flooded due to the rain.

Meanwhile, regarding the spread of Omicron, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said DKI Jakarta became the first battlefield to face an increase in cases of the new variant of COVID-19. As many as 90 percent of Omicron's local transmissions occur in the capital city.

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