MATARAM - The Mataram City COVID-19 Task Force, West Nusa Tenggara Province, said the Mataram City Regional General Hospital (RSUD) was treating nine COVID-19 patients as of today.

"The nine COVID-19 patients, six of whom are residents of West Lombok Regency and three are residents of Mataram City," said Mataram City COVID-19 Task Force spokesman I Nyoman Swandiasa in Mataram, Antara, Monday, January 17th.

The number of COVID-19 patients being treated at the Mataram City Hospital as a referral hospital, increased significantly compared to last week which only treated two COVID-19 patients, but one of them has been declared cured.

Swandiasa, who also serves as Head of the Mataram City Communication and Information Office (Diskominfo), added that the nine COVID-19 patients are currently undergoing intensive care in the isolation room of the Mataram City Hospital.

"Especially for the three residents of the city, including those from the Karang Bedil and Marong neighborhoods," he said.

Based on information, of the three residents of Mataram City who were positively exposed to COVID-19, only one person was detected to have a history of traveling outside the area.

However, the medical team from the Mataram City Health Service has carried out contact tracing of the three families of COVID-19 patients. The hope is that there will be no additional positive patients.

"The results of the PCR examination, the three residents of Mataram City were declared negative for COVID-19 Omicron. We are still free of Omicron," he said.

Furthermore, Swandiasa said, if you look at the history of COVID-19 transmission to the three residents of Mataram City, they are indicated to be in the 2021 Christmas and 2022 New Year holiday clusters.

"If we look at the transmission date and the incubation period of COVID-19, which is about 10 days to two weeks after the 2021 Christmas and New Year holidays, it is possible to have an impact due to the high level of community social activities at that time," he said.

In this regard, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which allows for a significant addition of positive COVID-19 patients, the public must not slack off in implementing health protocols (prokes).

"Wherever and whenever, the public must be disciplined in the process and carry out COVID-19 vaccinations as an effort to increase antibodies," he said.

Swandiasa added, although there are three additional positive COVID-19 patients in Mataram City, Mataram City is still at level one with the implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM).

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