JAKARTA - The President of the Indonesian Youth Congress (KPI) Pitra Romadoni said the case of a 61-second exciting video narrated like the artist Nagita Slavina is still ongoing. Now, after the video was declared fake, the complainant of the case is now being investigated.

"Yes, it is true that there is an investigation at the Central Jakarta Police," said the President of the Indonesian Youth Congress (KPI), Pitra Romadoni when confirmed, Monday, January 17.

Pitra is known to be the reporter in the exciting 61-second video that made a scene in cyberspace. He said there was a number of pieces of evidence that would be submitted to investigators today. According to Pitra, one of the evidences that will be provided is the identity of the account suspected of spreading the 61-second video.

"Proof of the (video spreader) account," said Pitra.

Pitra added that from the beginning his party was committed to reporting the account that was suspected of spreading the 61-second immoral video to the public.

"We have never accused anyone of playing a video for upholding the principle of presumption of innocence. Our duty is to report who distributed and made the video accessible to the public as regulated in Article 27 paragraph 1 of the ITE Law," he said.

The inspection is scheduled to start at 10.00 WIB. The agenda will be held at the Central Jakarta Metro Police.

Previously, an exciting 61-second video associated with the artist Nagita Slavina had created a scene. Police have now confirmed the video was fabricated.

"The results of coordination with the Cyber Police of the Metro Jaya Police are fake aliases, the results of editing," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Wisnu Wardhana when contacted, Saturday, January 15.

After confirming that the 61-second immoral video associated with Nagita Slavina is fake, the investigators will clarify the reporter for his previously submitted report.

"I don't know who reported this yet. She reported the Nagita or who. There hasn't been a result of the clarification yet. So we'll see if the clarification from the complainant will come out. This (video) is fake, it's the result of coordination. reporting the results like this," said Vishnu.

Examination of the complainant will be carried out next week. The results of this investigation will determine the direction of the investigation of the case.

"We still want to clarify to the reporter first. He just gave a screenshot of the video. That's why we don't know what form this report is in. That's why we will clarify," he said.

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