JAKARTA - A resident with the initials AS became a victim of a robbery while taking his parents shopping near the Cakung Market train crossing, Cakung District, East Jakarta. As a result of the incident, the victim suffered a stab wound to the chest.

The incident began when the victim was waiting across from Cakung station, next to the mosque. Meanwhile, the victim's parents went shopping by crossing the railroad tracks.

While the victim was waiting, suddenly two perpetrators came on a motorbike carrying a sickle. The victim was immediately stabbed in the left chest and right leg.

When the victim was helpless, the perpetrator immediately took the victim's cellphone. Seeing that his cellphone had changed hands, the victim tried to catch up and asked for help from other traders.

Because the victim's injuries were quite severe, he was weak and collapsed. Then the victim's parents came to the victim and asked for help from residents.

Incidentally at that time, members of the East Jakarta Metro Police arrived in a patrol car. The victim was then evacuated to Pondok Kopi Islamic Hospital for medical treatment.

The burglary case has been handled by the Cakung Police. The police have checked the victim at the hospital and made a post-mortem.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for East Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Ahsanul Muqqafi confirmed the incident. The case is handled by the Cakung Police.

"An investigation is still being carried out," he said when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, January 16.

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