BANDUNG - Deputy Governor of West Java Uu Ruzhanul Ulum asked all parties, from investors, contractors, and the public not to buy illegal mining products because buyers of mining products are categorized as collectors and can be subject to criminal sanctions.

"If it is not orderly, it will cause problems in its implementation. At any time it can be investigated regarding the permit. Often times, illegal quarries sell their material below the legal (excavation) price. Because the illegal ones do not pay taxes," he said, in Bandung, quoted by Antara. , Sunday, January 16th.

He said the province of West Java and related parties were committed to taking firm action against illegal miners, including the distribution chain for their mining products. One form of this commitment is to conduct inspections and provide sanctions.

"The West Java Province will inspect at certain times to several areas, including Cirebon. It is possible, if it is really illegal, we will ask the authorities to immediately close it," he said.

According to him, illegal mining has great potential to damage nature because mining activities are irregular and tend to be sporadic. The work safety of illegal mining employees often does not get attention so that it is life threatening.

In addition to natural damage, illegal mining will harm the state and disrupt the activities of the community around the mine. Therefore, he asked illegal mining companies to immediately apply for permits, comply with applicable regulations, or stop their activities.

"Unlike the legal ones, if it's legal there is a permit, and their (mining) activities are already regulated," he said.

"People should buy mining construction materials from legal companies. Maybe there is a price difference, it's natural because there must be one."

costs incurred for retribution, reclamation, and others," he said.

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