MAKASSAR - The Explosives Disposal Team (Jhandak) of the South Sulawesi Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) of the South Sulawesi Police acted quickly by installing a perimeter in the northern part of the Al Markaz Al-Islami Mosque, Jalan Sunu after local residents were surprised by the discovery of a black suitcase.

Bontoala Makassar Police Chief Kompol Syamsuardi said information regarding a black suitcase left by someone near the Al Markaz Mosque occurred at around 04.30 WITA, Sunday, January 16.

"It happened this morning. There were residents who reported that there was a black suitcase not far from the mosque, the suitcase was on the side of the road. Then we coordinated with Brimob to carry out sterilization and secure the suitcase," he said, quoted by Antara.

Kompol Syamsuardi explained that shortly after the report his members checked the truth of the information and then sterilized it by setting up a perimeter to avoid unwanted possibilities.

After making a perimeter line, his party then coordinated with the Gegana Brimob Detachment of the South Sulawesi Police and forwarded the information on the residents to be followed up and identified the contents of the suitcase.

"After the Brimob Jibom members arrived, they were detected using a detector and after it was confirmed that there were no bomb sequences in it, they were taken to Mapolsek for further examination," he said.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Sulsel Kombes Komang Suartana confirmed that the sterilization had been carried out by members of Brimob and that the contents of the black suitcase were only clothes.

"It was checked earlier and it turned out to be only a robe. Maybe it's a suitcase that a resident left behind because it was on the side of the road near the mosque," he said.

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