JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit has arrested two international drug dealers. From this arrest, the police secured tens of kilograms of crystal methamphetamine as evidence.

"The perpetrator modified the trunk of a Honda Civic sedan to smuggle crystal methamphetamine," Head of Public Relations of the West Jakarta Metro Police Kompol Moch Taufik Iksan when confirmed, Sunday, January 16.

The two perpetrators are still under investigation by the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit. So that they cannot convey details about this case.

"We are still doing further investigations," he said. Previously, a video of the arrest of a drug dealer by the police went viral on social media. In this 59-second video, it appears that the car used by the shabu dealer is surrounded by local residents.

It is said that the perpetrator also almost hit a member of the Drug Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police because he tried to escape during his arrest in the Serdang Wetan area, Legok, Tangerang Regency, Banten, last Tuesday, January 13.

Not only did he almost hit the officer, the drug dealer even hit several cars before the police caught him.

Residents who saw the incident, almost went berserk. However, the officers at the location tried to protect the perpetrators from the tantrums of the masses.

"The perpetrator tried to fight the officers until he almost hit a member in the field during the arrest," said Kompol Taufik.

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