JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Bekasi City Police in a short time succeeded in uncovering a murder case that had shocked residents of the Jatibening Estate Housing, Bekasi, on Tuesday, January 11, at around 22.00 WIB.

After an investigation, suspect RG (54) and victim HS (53) have been friends since childhood. Even though they have known each other for a long time, it does not dampen the evil intention of the perpetrator to stab the victim.

Bekasi Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Hengki said, according to the suspect's husband, the incident began when the suspect and the victim met at the suspect's brother's house at the crime scene (TKP).

Then the victim felt unwell, finally asked the suspect to scrape his back. Apparently at that time also appeared the suspect's evil intentions.

From the suspect's statement, he admitted that there were whispers that ended up happening (murder) using a kitchen knife against the victim. The location where the victim died was not far from the kitchen.

"The incision wound was on the victim's neck," said Kombes Pol Hengki to reporters, Thursday, January 13, yesterday afternoon.

The Bekasi City Metro Police Satreskrim are still investigating the murder case committed by the closest person. Regarding the motive for the murder, the Bekasi City Metro Police are still investigating.

"We are investigating, because we haven't found out whether they have a grudge or what. We are still investigating from other witnesses," he explained.

The results of the TKP analysis by the Bekasi Metro Police Satreskrim Identification Team were carried out from the 3rd floor. But the victim was found on the inside terrace of the house (TKP) in a prone position covered in blood.

When conducting a crime scene investigation, the police found one witness at the scene with the initials HA.

"There is only one witness there, namely HA. Apart from the suspect and the victim," he said.

Witness HA did live in that house, which coincidentally that night he was on the 2nd floor.

While the incident was first known by an eyewitness with the initials MG, the perpetrator's older brother.

MG, the owner of the house at the scene, told the police that he found out when he came home from practicing as a general practitioner. It turned out that the victim was covered in blood with cuts in the neck and was lifeless.

When he returned home at 22.00 WIB, MG honked his car as a warning to open the house.

Witness HA tries to open the door. But when on the way to open the door, right on the first floor he heard a voice asking for help from the front porch.

Then seen by witness HA and the owner of the house who had also returned home, the victim was covered in blood and died.

"Witness HA heard when the witness came home from work," he said.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Bekasi Metro Police, Kompol Alexander Yurikho, added that the police confiscated a number of pieces of evidence from the crime scene.

"The confiscated evidence includes a kitchen knife, a blood-stained bed cover, the victim's clothes and the suspect's clothes," he added.

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