JEMBER - A male resident of Sentong Hamlet, Karang Anyar Village, Ambulu District, Jember, with the initials IA (30) slashed his own brother. The man was blindly jealous of the man with the initials AA (42) a man who often visited his father-in-law's house.

Ambulu police chief AKP Ma'ruf said the assault took place on Monday, January 10. The perpetrator was jealous because he thought the victim's intention was to visit his wife frequently.

"Even though the victim went to the suspect's in-laws' house for business matters where the victim as a sand truck driver often delivered sand to the house of the suspect's brother who was building a house. Meanwhile, the relationship between the victim and the suspect's parents-in-law is still related," said AKP Ma'ruf, Thursday, January 13. .

The victim who came to visit was immediately stabbed by the perpetrator. The perpetrator swung a machete at the victim's face until he was seriously injured.

"After slashing, the perpetrator fled. Meanwhile, the victim was immediately taken to the puskesmas for immediate medical attention," he said.

The victim's family then reported the stabbing to the Ambulu Police. Police assisted by residents then arrested the perpetrators.

"To account for his actions at this time, IA along with the evidence in the form of a machete is secured at the Ambulu Police and is suspected of violating Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code," he concluded.

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